A diary of Dream   
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Saturday, August 25, 2007

Quesadilla Sincronizada

"I hope you are keeping well, in spite of the lingering summer heat." The late summer heat is severe this year in Japan. Englishmen and Americans seldom or never have that salutation, thought.....(;^^

However, Isn't it hot? It's sultry rather than warm.
Well, I don't mind the heat. ミ☆^。^☆彡
Quesadilla Sincronizada
Return to the subject.
That was a few weeks ago, I went to RODEO(Mexican grill restaurant) and I had "Quesadilla" for dinner with my friend. Mexican Quesadilla is one of my special favorite foods. I want to eat that Quesadilla again.
"Let's have our photographs taken to commemorate this occasion!" he, he!...
She ate Burrito in a sunny ■■ place. This photo is by K.
Place : RODEO

Catering Available Comida Para Sus Fiestas!

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Thursday, August 09, 2007

Korean Food

韓国料理大好きな私、LAに居る間 あっちこっちのKoreanレストランに食べに行って 今回Blogに載せようと割りと多めに写真。もう~ハリキッテ!、、、撮ってみましたよ~ミ☆^。^☆彡  チャミスル참이슬(焼酎)と何枚かの写真はmy friend K が撮影

↓各画像をクリックすれば大きな画像が見れます(1024 x 768)
Sam gyeop sal gu i
삼겹살구이 石の鉄板で豚焼肉料理............

해물찜(Korean style steamed seafood)...............

sam gye tang 삼계탕

hoe naeng myeon
비빔 회냉면 Gochujang入りの冷麺。
レッドペーパー、ややスィートサワーのテイスト。ストレス発散には いい食べ物。

on myeon
온면 ↑温麺。普通冷麺の暖かいバージョンと言えばわかるかな~?。

←このスープは美味しかった。名前は何だっけ?・・・・・・ 豚のアバラ肉を骨ごと煮込み 少し辛くて何とも豪快で・・・名前は忘れてしまったσ(^_^;)

漬きだし料理は無料で お替りも出来て品数豊富、御飯と味噌汁があればメイン料理なくても十分に満足できるというもの.. 但しあたりまえのことメインを注文しないと付かないよ...
↑黄色い缶ビールはイギリス産ビール, 泡がクリ-ミー。右がマッコリ(막걸리)
Photos by MariY0Y0Y0Y0Y0Y0Y0Y0Y0Y0Y0Y0Y0Y0Y 

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Friday, August 03, 2007

Dreamy Lifeguard

I went bathing in the sea. (Sycamore Cove beach)
It was a cloudy sky.

His face shone with youth.

He is a lifeguard.

"What a cool guy he is!!!"

"Please take a backward glance at me!"

He turned his back to the wind..... It has a beautiful figure, too.

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